That would be my awesome Geordi helping unload the u-haul |
So much has gone on in our little family over the past few months that I feel like I am completely behind in EVERY area. The biggest issue has been the fact that we moved in April. Now, we didn't just decide to find a place, pack up and move. Nope. We were told that our landlord was moving back in, get out. Our lease had been up for a while, so we knew that it was always a possibility. To be honest, though, we were really hoping to stay for a while so we could rebuild our credit from the disaster of 2 divorces and a VERY expensive and drawn out custody case.
Now starts the house hunting. There was practically nothing available in our area that met our criteria, so we decided to start looking closer to Riker's work. There were several that I found that fit all of our criteria
(and then some), but we were either turned down for our credit
(which is bad, but not THAT bad geez), or the agents would never get back to us. We were both very despondent and starting to get worried. We were going to be without a house at this rate! Oh, and keep in mind, This is all Feb/Mar so the kids are all still in school...
Finally Riker decides to look closer to "home" again. There is a "gated community" in our area that used to be Air Force officer housing before they shut down the local AF base about 15 years ago. They had been bought up by a company and rented out as rental houses. I was NOT happy
(and I emphasize NOT) about this idea. I was excited to moving to an even nicer area with a minimal commute. I have to admit that I let my pride get in the way a bit and was looking forward to "moving up." These houses are SMALL
(we're talking half the size I was looking at) and OLD
(circa 1950 and they look it) and were military housing, so not a lot of amenities
(ie NO amenities). But, I went along and looked anyway since I wanted to help Riker not feel so stressed out.
After our walk-through of the ONE house available that would even begin to fit our family
(and it's the biggest floor plan... oh man), Riker says "I have a good feeling about this place. I think we should very seriously consider this option."
(are you kidding me?!?). We got home and made a deal, if I could find another place in the next 2 days before they cash our deposit check, we won't move there. By George, did I search my heart out! I found another place in the same area, price and size range. Plus it had been fully renovated AND came with lawn care. I booked an appointment immediately. However, I kept having this nagging feeling and I decided that I needed to pray about it. The answer was a resounding NO. So, I prayed about the one Riker had put a deposit on and it was a resounding YES. I seriously flipped out. I actually said, out lout, in the middle of the night,
(I was praying after Riker had gone to sleep) "SERIOUSLY?!? WHY??"
(yeah, that woke him up lol). It was the SAME price, size, ward, EVERYTHING as this nicer house. Why can't I have the nicer house??
I still haven't figured out why.
But, I followed what I was told, and my husband's promptings, and moved into this tiny little crap-tastic place that I TOTALLY did not want to move to.