Tuesday, September 4, 2012

10 Grain Cereal with Orange Slices

This recipe is a SUPER easy hot breakfast that everyone (except Riker, but that is a different story) likes. I buy my cereal in bulk at my local WinCo, but you can also find it in the cereal aisle or baking aisle in smaller bags like this:

Thanks to this techno-age we live in, you can even buy it online in a myriad of places in nearly every quantity.

4 1/2 cups water
1 1/3 cups cereal mix
1/2 cup finely powdered milk (this is optional)

If using milk, whisk with dry cereal in a 2 quart bowl before adding water. This helps prevent clumping. Add water and microwave on high for 12 minutes, stirring every 3-4 minutes. Continue to heat on Medium low another 6 minutes until desired consistency. Top with honey and cinnamon. Serve with orange slices.

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