Friday, August 31, 2012

Family Photos Part 2

Clear back in March, I promised to get our family photos posted. It has been quite the rollercoaster to even get them myself, but here they are. I love them! I have such a cute family!!


This picture sums up our family perfectly

I love this man SO much!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Goals

This week I was looking back at when I first started posting my weigh ins and looking to see how much progress I have made. It is nowhere near where I wanted to be more than a year later, but it IS progress right? So here you have it:

             July 13, 2011                 August 22, 2012               Difference
waist:       31 inches                             27.75                          -3.25
hips:         40 inches                               37                                -3
thigh:        23 inches                             20.25                           -2.75
weight:      142 lbs                               138.4                           -3.6 lbs

Total lost: 9 inches and nearly 4 lbs of pure fat. (That is the equivalent of 4 boxes of butter slapped on my thighs. Crazy mental image...) I am hoping to lose another 4 lbs of fat this month, and overall, another 3 inches on my waist, 3 inches on my hips, and 2 inches on my thighs. That is just about what I have lost so far, so I think it is totally do-able. I just hope that it doesn't take another year to get it!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Menu Recipes- Homemade Chicken Ranch Snack Wraps

 Ranch Snack Wrap (Grilled)
1 T ranch spice mixture
1/2 c sour cream
3 c cooked chicken
6 flat bread wraps
1/2 head lettuce
1 c shredded cheese
6 pears
1 1/2 bunches of celery, washed and cut into sticks

Mix spice mixture and sour cream until well blended. Spread on wraps and top with lettuce, cheese and chicken. Serve with celery sticks and pears

Menu Recipes- Chicken Salad Sandwich

Chicken Salad Sandwich With Homemade Mayo

1 c mayo
2 1/2 c cooked, chopped chicken
1 c celery, chopped
1 c red seedless grapes, sliced
1/2 c sliced or slivered almonds
1 T dried parsley

12 slices bread
3 apples, halved
9 carrots, peeled and cut into sticks

Combine mayo, chicken, celery, grapes, almonds and parsley in a large bowl. Serve salad on bread with carrot sticks and half an apple on the side.

Based on recipe I found here

Menu Recipes- Homemade Ranch Dressing

My kids cannot get enough Ranch Dressing. (Seriously, they'd eat it on everything if I let them). The problem is that it is not terribly healthy and is PACKED with preservatives, including MSG and a whole bunch of disodium whatsitcalled. See for yourself:

Luckily, I found a couple of recipes to make it myself at $5 Dollar Dinners and another one at One Good Thing. So much better for my kidlets and easier to control what I feed them. Not to mention that 2 Tablespoons of Ranch has 140 calories and 2 Tablespoons of full-fat sour cream only has 60!! Plus, the fat to calorie ratio drops from 93% to 75% just by using sour cream and spices instead of ranch. Switch to light sour cream and you cut your calories down to 40 (100 calories LESS than regular Ranch and still half of the light ranch) and fat percentage to 63%. You could even switch out the sour cream for mayo for relatively the same calorie content (but the fat percentage of mayo is 100% since it is essentially straight oil).

Anyway, on to the amazing recipe!

Ranch Spice Mix
2 tablespoon dried parsley
1 teaspoon dried dill
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon dried basil
½ teaspoon pepper

Mix together the first six ingredients down to the pepper. Store in an airtight container.
When you are ready to make the dip stir 1 tablespoon of the spice mixture with:

3/4 c cup sour cream
1 c mayo 
1 c milk.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Check In

Last month, I decided that I was having a difficult time staying motivated and accountable for my workouts. (I finished the entire first month of Insanity, and didn't even post on my blog!) Plus, I had been having some shoulder issues since Thanksgiving and was getting frustrated with not being able to do normal daily tasks, let alone my exercises. So, I talked it over with Riker and hired myself a personal trainer. I was wary at first since I signed up for remote training at home (taking the kiddos to the gym during the summer sounded like a BRILLIANT idea...) and I worried that I would still fall short of my goals. I did. But, the nice thing about getting a personal trainer is that I was able to tell her what my specific goals were and she could tailor a workout to MY body and MY goals. It was a lot different from what I had been doing before, and it included workouts specifically for my rotator cuff that was having problems.

I haven't posted about this before because I wanted to see how it went this first month before I really said anything. Today was my first check in/ weigh in since i started, so I figured now was as good a time as any.

My starting measurements:
Date: 7/17/12
Weight: 140.8 (ugh)
Bodyfat: 16.3% (WAY better than I expected)
Waist: 31
Hips: 38.25
Chest: 29.5
Arms: 10/10.5

If you notice my last weigh in amounts, some of these numbers were a bit higher. I was pretty bummed. My new schedule had me doing a series of weight lifting sessions and 30-45 min of cardio 5 days a week. The first week, I thought I was going to die. Nearly every workout EVERY day had squats involved. By day 3, I was pulling myself up the stairs by the railing and dragging my legs behind me like I was paralyzed. (seriously, no joke. Riker was worried. I thought I was dying lol) By the end of the week, my shoulder didn't hurt for the first time in EIGHT months. It was sore from exercise, but it didn't HURT like it had before.

Week 2, I missed 2 days, but muscled through the other 3 as best I could. Week 3, I did every day, but no cardio and kind of wussed out on the weight lifting sets, only doing 2 sets instead of 3. I didn't know what was up, but I was super weak that whole week and had a hard time finishing a workout. A couple of times during these 3 weeks, I literally fell asleep laying on the floor between sets, I was SO exhausted. Week 4, I was busy getting the kids ready to start school and my schedule was a mess. I didn't work out AT ALL. Lame. Finally, last week, I had a rough time dealing with the new schedule, trying to stay on top of making lunches everyday (this is a new thing for our family this year), Tasha's birthday party, preparing a talk for church, and my ex sending me hostile emails every day. I missed my workouts again. Plus, I ate way off my normal menu plan several days, including cake, burgers and a pizza. 

Monday morning rolled around and it was time to face the music. I was super worried since the last 2 weeks had been so terrible. I was honestly afraid that I had gained weight. But, my fears were misplaced. Despite my shortcomings this month, I actually made some progress. More actually than I have in a while.

This month's measurements:
Date: 8/20/12
Weight: 138.4 (not much, but it was entirely fat!)
Bodyfat: 15.3%
Waist: 27.75 (yeah buddy! that is 3.25 inches lost!)
Hips: 37
Chest: 29.125
Arms: 10.25/11 (apparently I want this number to go up. Good to know)
Thigh: 20.25
Total lost: 2.5 lbs fat and 5.5 inches

I will take it!! My goal for next month is to lose 4 lbs of fat. That seems simple enough. I'm hoping that since the kids are in school now, I will be more able to exercise during Geordi's nap in the afternoon. Cross our fingers and see how it goes!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Scripture Study: For a Wise Purpose

When reading through the scriptures, I have noticed many occasions where the prophet at the time explains why he is writing the particular records he has chosen. Nephi writes the things of his soul; Jacob, the things which he considered most precious; and Moroni writes of his testimony of God, the Eternal Father. The most interesting explanation I found was a small comment by the prophet Mormon where he says “I do this for a wise purpose.”
Why do these men of God take the time out of their busy schedules to keep records? What is this “wise purpose” Mormon speaks of? I think Elder Richard G. Scott answered this best when he said: “We often leave the most precious personal direction of the Spirit unheard because we do not record and respond to the first promptings that come to us when the Lord chooses to direct us.”
The prophets of the scriptures understood the importance of writing down their revelations, both for their people, and for themselves. It is imperative to our own personal growth that we not only recognize the whisperings of the Spirit, but that we remember them. These promptings come most often when we are tuned in by prayer and regular scripture study. A revelation to the prophet Joseph Smith counsels us: “And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith. Alma chapter 17, speaking of the sons of Mosiah, says in verse 2: “they were men of a sound understanding and they had searched the scriptures diligently, that they might know the word of God.”
Notice that in each of these scriptures, they did not merely READ the scriptures. We are told they searched diligently. This is a phrase that appears over and over again throughout the scriptures. So what does it mean to search diligently? It means to be attentive to what you read, be persistent in reading regularly, and carry out your studies with care and perseverance. Additionally, 2 Nephi 32L3 tells us to feast upon the scriptures. Many of us do not fall into these categories. Many of us read casually, sporadically, or make just a quick scan of our scriptures. How then, do we become more active and diligent as the prophets describe?
First we start with prayer. We pray for understanding. We pray for guidance and inspiration as we read.
Second, we ask questions as we read. We ask for help with a problem, advice on a relationship, or insight on a topic. Elder Henry B. Eyring relates his personal approach to scripture study:
Sometimes I go to the scriptures for doctrine. Sometimes I go to the scriptures for instruction. I go with a question and the question usually is “what would God have me do? Or “what would he have me feel? Invariably, I find new ideas, thoughts I have never had before, and I receive inspiration and instruction and answers to my questions
Third, it is a good idea to incorporate Conference talks, hymns, Ensign articles and other materials into our studies. These help to relate the scriptures to a more personal and contemporary setting. It also gives us alternative view points and understandings on the same topic. President Uchtdorf advises:
In our learning, let us not neglect the fountain of revelation. The scriptures and the words of modern-day apostles and prophets are the sources of wisdom, divine knowledge, and personal revelation to help us find answers to all the challenges in life. Let us learn of Christ; let us seek out that knowledge which leads to peace and truth.
Fourth, take the time to ponder what you have read and learned. The process of revelation and inspiration takes time and cannot be forced, hurried or rushed. Take the time to sit quietly and give the Spirit the opportunity to whisper to your heart the things you need to know.
Finally, write down your impressions, thoughts and feelings, no matter how insignificant they may seem. You don’t know how substantial they may be further down the road.
This step, while my personal favorite now, was my biggest road block for a long time. At first I tried making notes in my scriptures, but my methods were disorganized. I also found that the margins were too small to hold the inspiration I had received. Often, I would come across a scripture which I had marked some time before and have no idea why I had marked the scripture. I would read it again and shrug, saying “it’s a nice scripture, but what does it have to do with me?” Then I moved on to the Gospel Library app on my phone. With its super portability and ample space for notes, I thought it would solve my problem. However, my notes were still disorganized and it became more difficult to just flip through my scriptures to see which verses I had marked. I felt frustrated until I came across a website hosted by my former seminary teacher. She shared her experiences with keeping a journal. Not just a daily “I ate lunch in the cafeteria” journal, but a journal dedicated to her personal revelations during her gospel studies. She included the following quote from President Kimball: “Get a notebook… a journal that will last through all time, and maybe the angels will quote from it for eternity.”
This was my moment to smack my forehead and say “why had I not thought of this before??” It is just what the prophets of the scriptures had been doing for millennia and look at the benefits their records have been for countless generations. Then I thought: how much more could I benefit from my own personal records, tailored to my particular struggles, needs, and questions! Another quote from Richard G. Scott made a good case for keeping a scripture journal. He said
You will find that as you write down precious impressions, often more will come. Also the knowledge you gain will be available throughout your life.
I was sold. How great would it be to be able to look back through my journal, years down the road, and read all the inspirations I have received? To know exactly why I marked that scripture and what it had to do with me. I found that my journal made it easier to collect information on a specific topic, from all areas of study, not just my scriptures. It enriched my scripture reading immensely as I could refer to my notes from previous study sessions and cross-reference my heart out. It made it easier for me to know which direction to take at a particular time in my life. Elder Gene R. Cook goes into more detail on this. He says:
The more you not only hear, but abide by what you’ve been told, the more the Lord will give to you. It will come more and more rapidly and you will begin to hear and feel those impressions of the Spirit more quickly than you have previously done.
I know this is true just from the experiences of writing this talk alone. Last weekend, I was trying to take a nap and could not stop thinking about my scripture journal and how it related to studying the scriptures. I finally decided to get up and quickly jot down my thoughts. Nearly an hour later, I had 6 pages of notes!
The blessings Heavenly Father has promised us when we actively study are numerous. In D & C 88:63, He tells us, “seek me diligently and ye shall find me.” In Mosiah 1:7 we are told that we should “search [the scriptures] diligently that ye may profit therby.” And in D & C 90:24 it reads: “search diligently, pray always, and be believing and all things shall work together for your good.” My favorite promise, however, comes from a quote from Joseph Smith:
Search the scriptures… and ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, to manifest truth unto you, and if you do it with an eye single to his glory, nothing doubting, he will answer you by the power of his Holy Spirit.
And this is the best part:
You will then know for yourselves and not for another. You will not then be dependent on man for the knowledge of God; nor will there be any room for speculation. No; for when men receive their instruction from him that made them, they know how he will save them.
What a wonderful promise that is! To know, for ourselves, without a doubt, that God is our Father and Creator and that he has a plan for us.
Keeping a journal can bless not only our lives, but those we come in contact with. It can be a resource for answering questions, a wealth of knowledge for those who come after us, or even a simple example that can change someone else’s life. A story in the May 2012 New Era exemplifies this in one family.
A young man named Robbie decided to change his scripture reading into scripture study by writing a simple journal entry about what he had read each day. Over time, he noticed that not only was it influencing the way he interacted with others, but that his journal became a good way to receive personal revelation. He said “as I studied the scriptures and wrote things in my journal afterward, I would look down at what I had written and say ‘that is not me who wrote that.’ It was personal inspiration given directly to me from God. I have received answers to prayers and counsel for my life on things that I need to do better.” As Robbie continued to grow spiritually, his example prompted his brother Scott to begin keeping a journal. Soon after, their younger brother Josh began keeping a journal as well. What started as a “study the scriptures” plan for one young man, not only enriched his own scripture study, but it also helped the rest of his family experience the joy that scripture study can bring.
A journal can be anything you want it to be. A simple entry after a day’s reading or a collection of notes on a specific topic. A personal journal or a collection made by the family. It can include notes, pictures, inserts and quotes from various sources. The sky is the limit. As President Monson said: It is not the number of hours you put in, but what you put in the hours that count. Let your journal reflect your personality and study habits and it will be incredibly effective.
In closing, I want to share a quote from Neal A. Maxwell that has stuck with me for many years:
The prompting that goes unresponded to may not be repeated. Writing down what we have been prompted with is vital. A special thought can be lost later in the day through the rough and tumble of life. God should not, and may not, choose to repeat the prompting if we assign what is given such a low priority as to put it aside.
In this hectic and busy world we live in, let us consistently draw ourselves away from the world to delve into the word of God and reap the blessings from our hard work. Let us remember how important it is to remain active and diligent in our studies. In my life, I have had many opportunities to forget this, and many opportunities to be reminded of its great importance. I have had many deep and painful struggles and have found overwhelming comfort and knowledge through the careful and persistent study of the scriptures. I know, beyond a doubt that they are the word of God. I know that they were written for our day and for a wise purpose. I know that our Father will bless us with understanding and increased revelation as we write down and act upon the promptings we are given. 
For more information on my beliefs, go here.
For more information on scripture journals, go here.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

You Are What You Eat

(I'm hoping that means I'm healthy :P)

A couple of weeks ago, I posted this on my Facebook page:
I honestly did it just because I was so proud of myself for coming in under budget AND healthy, but apparently there was quite an interest in how I did it. So, I went through the 2 week menu that I had planned, made some tweaks, and made up a master shopping list that wasn't covered in my notes.

My kids like the vast majority of these recipes, although there are some that one or two people don't necessarily care for. Our rule is you eat what you're given, so they eat it anyway. We are a family of 6: 2 adults and 4 kids, with one being a toddler. Nobody is hungry and we occasionally have leftovers.

A few quick disclaimers:
*My menu starts on Thursday because I go shopping after Cub Scouts on Wednesdays. My display menu on my fridge starts on Sunday. Also, I only go to the grocery store twice a month for groceries, so this is a big list
*I already had several things on hand so that reduced my cost. If you are buying everything on the list (including the pantry items), your up front cost is going to be higher
*You will notice a few "processed" items on the list (ie. jar of spaghetti sauce, pkg of fajita seasoning), but I try to find ones that do not have any artificial ingredients in them. I also make several of my ingredients myself so that I can benefit from the convenience without suffering the horrors of preservatives :D
*As of right now, I am not including recipes (I know, what is the point of having a menu with no recipes?). They are next on my (HUGE) list of things to do, but I wanted to get back to everyone's questions quickly.

So, without further ado:

I promise that I will get the recipes typed up as soon as I can. In the meantime, I welcome any feedback.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And So It Begins

Today was the first day of school for Data, Worf and Tasha. (yes, our school district starts retardedly early)
Poor kids all have their eyes closed. The sun was brutal this morning.

 The kids were all super excited for school this year. It was all they could talk about for DAYS. They each got the teachers that they wanted and new backpacks. Honestly, I was nearly as excited as they were.

See? He CAN smile :)
He looks SO sad! But, really it was just the sun.
Now, I know that my birthday was just a couple of days ago, but I am NOT old enough to have a kid entering FOURTH grade! (I still REMEMBER fourth grade!) They are all growing up SO fast! I am so excited for Data this year. It was one of my favorite years in elementary.

She at least makes the eyes closed look intentional!
Tasha moves into 3rd grade this year with the same teacher that Data had last year. She is pretty happy about that since she knows what to expect from the class this year. It is nice for me as a parent too, since I already have a good repertoire with the teacher.

My baby is all grown up!
Worf is in 2nd grade! (Where has the time gone?!?) He is getting a teacher that neither of his siblings have had before, but that we have heard good things about, so here's hoping. The afternoon teacher is one that Data had for 1st grade, and is the mother of one of Worf's classmates, so that should be a little more familiar for him.

Here is to a GREAT school year!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

It's my birthday...

Shirt from my sis. She knows me too well :)
They say that "today is the first day of the rest of your life." For me that was never truer than it is today. Today will be the last time that I age. I turn 29 and will stay 29 forever! (mwahaha)

No, seriously, today is my birthday, and I have to admit, it has been a pretty great day. My wonderful husband got me a gift card and a custom tulip bouquet (they lasted longer with our plant-eating cats than the last 2 rose bouquets did!), kids all made me some absolutely wonderful birthday cards (complete with what I thought were a ridiculous number of candles, until Data informed me that he had counted them all twice and there were exactly 29....), I had an amazing buffalo chicken and blue cheese wrap for dinner, and I got spoiled rotten. I even made a rhubarb pie for dessert:
And then I blew out the candles :/
That's a whole lot of wax on my pie.... I even had some candles that had burned all the way down and scorched the crust (the black spot in the upper left corner). I guess that's what you get when you get "old" lol.

I am really excited to see what my last year of my 20s has to offer. It's been quite the bumpy road so far, but I am totally happy with where I am. :D