Thursday, October 20, 2011

Project Thursday- A Different Project (Tara's Thursday)

At this point in my life, I do not have the time to start any new projects, even if they are an amazing idea. I just have too many other things going on in my life. So, the project idea that I had is taking a back burner. Instead, I am confiscating this day's meme and making it all about me (kind of like a second Monday. We all want more Mondays right? lol). I think I need an additional day each week to just blurb out whatever I feel like. Maybe I should just make the whole blog that way... Meh, maybe not.
Anyway, at this point, I am in cram mode for my upcoming court battle and I am mentally exhausted. There is just so much to do and so many not-so-positive memories to go through. While I am ok with where I am at now, that doesn't mean that I really WANT to go poking around through the muck you know?

To top it off, I had to get a psychiatric evaluation done as part of this whole thing. I was actually kind of excited about this as I felt that it would be a good opportunity to find out just how far I had come since my divorce. I got my report back today and I am not happy with it. For the most part, everything was about what I had expected, and in some cases, significantly better than I had hoped. However, the psychiatrist repeatedly left out some things, which leads the reader to misinterpret things slightly. That would be something that would be easily fixed by discussing with the reader (ie Judge).

The problem is that the psychiatrist's conclusions do not appear to be based on the testing as a whole, but rather one specific test, which, mind you, was done improperly. It is pretty much the only test who's results stated a particularly negative trait, which I struggled with many many years ago. The recommendation is that, due to this negative trait, I have a propensity to engage in abusive and improper behaviors and should seek therapy  to deal with my lack of control. Excuse me? Did you miss the part where I mentioned the fact that I had an issue with this nearly 15 years ago and have already seen a therapist about it? Apparently...

The rest of the recommendation is based off of single instances or statements that have been extrapolated to make it appear that they are significant issues in my life. For instance, I mention that, someday, I look forward to retiring and my kids moving away and being able to do things with just my husband. That was repeatedly stated throughout the report in a manner that insinuated that I am in a hurry for my kids to get out of the house. Totally NOT what I said!! Or that I said that my husband and I had some minor difficulties communicating with each other (mind you, we are both on our second marriage and our previous spouses handled conversations COMPLETELY differently than our current spouses, so we are having to learn new methods of communicating). This was twisted to say that I have anxiety about my difficulties with my husband and am having a difficult time with him.

The fact that my ex's report is full of things that I know are not true, and his conclusion is that he is just stressed about our current situation, is such crap. It leads me to believe that there is some buddy-buddy stuff happening here...

Overall, I am severely disappointed with this stupid evaluation. It just seems to solidify my ex's case against me, despite the fact that I have proof otherwise. Part of me wishes that I had the time and money to get a second opinion, but that isn't gonna happen before this goes to court. (sigh...) Let's just hope that my attorneys can do something with this. In the meantime, I've got to get back to it and get all of my evidence sorted through (I have so much on so many different topics, it's just a matter of whittling it down) and prepping for court. I feel like a little kid right before a shot, or ripping off a band aid. That pent up anticipation of something that you think is going to hurt, but you don't know and you think you know what will happen next, but you aren't sure. (Ugh.)

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