Sunday, April 15, 2012

Insanity-Day 6

Somehow when I scheduled this workout, I didn't realize that my rest day was scheduled for MONDAYS and not Sundays as I usually schedule them. I typically don't like to do heavy workouts on Sunday as it is my day of rest and is set apart from my normal everyday routines. So, despite not working out yesterday, I am skipping today as well. I did walk to and from church today, so that at least helped a little. I figure that I will just switch routines with Monday's rest period and go from there. I feel so lazy today...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Insanity-Day 5

Today was Sacramento's Annual Creek Week and I took Data and Worf out to clean up our local creek. Data was excited to do it (although he SURE doesn't look it in that picture lol) because his teacher was there and also because it counted as a conservation project towards his World Conservation Award in Cub Scouts. Afterwards, they had a celebration lunch and activities for the kids. Unfortunately, it was clear across town, but I had already told the boys they could go, so off we went. The whole thing turned into nearly an all-day event. We didn't get home until late afternoon, even though we had started first thing in the morning. By then, I hadn't done any housework to speak of and still had to make dinner. As it turns out, I didn't get any time to do my video today. I'm actually kind of sad, because, for as much as the videos SUCK while you are doing them, the rest of the day, I don't feel too bad and by the next day, I am ready to go again. Weird...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Insanity-Day 4

Today's workout was entitled "Cardio Recovery." What a terribly misleading name. While you are, in fact, recovering from the last 2 high-cardio workouts, you are still getting your butt kicked by this one. I don't think my thighs have EVER hurt that much. There were several times where my legs just gave out. Ugh. Not to mention my poor arms from having to stay in plank position for so long. I seriously had to keep reminding myself why I was doing this. I think I need to get someone to photoshop a picture of me all svelt and sexy and hang it next to the TV. Maybe then I will be motivated to make my real life body look like that. Or maybe not since I could just photoshop all my pictures... All this hard work is going to pay off, right?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Insanity-Day 3

Holy crap. What have I gotten myself in to?? Today's workout was Cardio Power. Just the name of it should scare me away, but I figured it was just a bit of bravado and market posturing. Nuh uh.

Again, I have this twisted mindset when I workout. I think I'm Superwoman or something. I guess that's a good thing in some ways because it helps me push myself instead of getting down on myself, thinking I'm not capable of doing it. So, I started out thinking "I can do this! I may be tired, and I may not be able to do as many, but I should be able to finish each workout."

Boy, did Shaun T. show me! I didn't finish a single workout without taking a break for EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I refilled my water cup THREE times and lost probably twice that in sweat. I was tired, sweaty and suffering from some serious muscle fatigue. Honestly, I haven't had a shower feel that amazing since I got home from the hospital after having Geordi.

I decided to take advantage of the overcast/rainy day and the remainder of Geordi's nap and curl up in my bed and die. As is custom, Geordi woke up early, the second my head hit the pillow. So, I sucked it up, got up, and went about the rest of my day. By the end of the night, I could feel the soreness setting in. My legs burn and my abs tingle (no crunches!).

I blissfully climbed into my comfy bed tonight, dreading what tomorrow morning would bring.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Yeah... I skipped my workout today. Not entirely out of choice. Just one thing led to another and before I knew it, it was 10:00 pm and I was saying to Riker "Ugh. I really need to do my workout video." He looked at me like I had lost my mind. I probably had, thinking I was going to do anything at that hour. So I didn't and went to sleep instead :P

One thing I thought was interesting though was that I wasn't terribly sore today. I guess I really shouldn't be since yesterday was just a "fit test," but for how hard I was sweating and how fatigued my muscles were, I expected to be dying today. I didn't even notice anything until just before dinner and even then I just felt a little stiff. Maybe this will turn out to be the perfect workout...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


So, I have decided that I am going to give the Insanity workout a try. A friend of mine just finished the Insanity: Asylum workout, which is the next step up, so I figured I could at least give the original a try.
I decided to try it over trying P90X again for 3 reasons: 1) it is only 60 days instead if 90 (summer break starts in less than 50), 2) there isn't any equipment needed and 3)they say you can get awesome abs without getting on the floor. Ab Ripper X is a killer workout, but is just a bit much for me. (FYI, I made it through 2 weeks of P90X before I stopped. Yes, it was hard. Yes, I noticed a definite improvement in that time. And No, I did not do it all 14 days.)

Today's "workout" was just a fitness test. You take all your measurements and then you do the test circuit where you try to do as many of the specific exercise as you can in just one minute. Now, I always thought that while I'm not in peak shape, or even my best shape, that I was at least in moderately decent shape. So that is the mindset I had when starting my fit test; I may not get as many as the people on the video, but it won't be too bad.

... Boy was I wrong. I finished the 25 min "test" laying on my floor, drowning in a puddle of my own sweat, and screaming "dear mother-- what was that?!?" Yeah...

And then I promptly polished off every last peanut M&M in my kid's Easter baskets (I have to get it out of the house somehow... right?)

Amazingly, I wasn't too sore. Just very very tired. If this is how the rest of the videos are, I am going to die!! But, I am determined to not be fat and lazy anymore. So, here are my results: (I would post a picture, but it was blurry and didn't really look any different from day 1 of P90X)

Weight 137.5
BMI 25.1
Body Fat % 32
Neck 13.25
Chest 34
Waist 31
Hips 39
Right Thigh 23
Left Thigh 22.5
Right Calf 13.5
Left Calf 13.5
Right Bicep 11.25
Left Bicep 11.5
Right Forearm 9.5
Left Forearm 9.5