Thursday, April 12, 2012

Insanity-Day 3

Holy crap. What have I gotten myself in to?? Today's workout was Cardio Power. Just the name of it should scare me away, but I figured it was just a bit of bravado and market posturing. Nuh uh.

Again, I have this twisted mindset when I workout. I think I'm Superwoman or something. I guess that's a good thing in some ways because it helps me push myself instead of getting down on myself, thinking I'm not capable of doing it. So, I started out thinking "I can do this! I may be tired, and I may not be able to do as many, but I should be able to finish each workout."

Boy, did Shaun T. show me! I didn't finish a single workout without taking a break for EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I refilled my water cup THREE times and lost probably twice that in sweat. I was tired, sweaty and suffering from some serious muscle fatigue. Honestly, I haven't had a shower feel that amazing since I got home from the hospital after having Geordi.

I decided to take advantage of the overcast/rainy day and the remainder of Geordi's nap and curl up in my bed and die. As is custom, Geordi woke up early, the second my head hit the pillow. So, I sucked it up, got up, and went about the rest of my day. By the end of the night, I could feel the soreness setting in. My legs burn and my abs tingle (no crunches!).

I blissfully climbed into my comfy bed tonight, dreading what tomorrow morning would bring.

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